on 29.6.08 with 0 comments

    1. Volvulus – a twisting or folding over onto itself ( Small intestine) like a balloon artist with the long thing balloons.

  • Closed Loop = High Grade

  • Open Loop = Low Grade

  • Volvulus is seen in premature infants.

  • If there is an adhesion anchoring the bowels it causes a pivot point allowing for twisting.

    1. Intusseception – is a telescoping or invagination

      • The most common cause of this in adults is a tumor!!!

    2. Perforation – is the worst case scenario of obstruction as it leads to peritonitis.

    3. Functional Obstruction (a.k.a. Adynamic Ileus, Paralytic Ileus)

  • Whereas other obstructions maintain intact neurological tracts Functional Obstructions have inhibited motor function.

  • Any “itis” in the abdomen can cause decreased motor function (i.e. Cholecystitis, Meckel’s diverticulitis, hepatitis, appendicitis, peritonitis.

  • KUB is usually normal

  • Bolus clears in a Functional Obstruction because of the work of more proximal parts of the Small Intestine.

  • The area of functional obstruction just does not contract

  • Functional obstruction can cause severe back pain

  • Surgery can produce Functional Obstruction

  • If an ITIS caused it take care of the IT IS!

  • If back pain is decreased function is restored.

Category: Gastroenterology Notes



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