The Eye

on 21.6.08 with 0 comments

Outer Tunic

  • Sclera.

    • Tough connective tissue layer. covers most of eyeball and forms visible white part of eye.

    • Protective
  • Cornea.

  • Anterior transparent portion of sclera.
  • Window which helps focus light
  • Most blindness from cloudy cornea

Middle Tunic

  • Choroid

  • Ciliary body

  • Iris

  • Lens


  • Highly pigmented layer which contains many blood vessels to nourish retina.

  • Posterior 5/6 of eyeball

  • Anterior portion becomes specialized into ciliary body and iris.

Ciliary body

  • Rings eye forward from choroid.

  • Controls lens shape for accommodation.

  • Produces aqueous humor (fluid which nourishes non-vascular tissues of cornea and lens).


  • Anterior to ciliary body.

  • Gives eye its color.

  • Controls size of pupil and how much light enters eye.


  • For focusing light on retina.

  • Separates interior of eye into 2 compartments.

  • Anterior cavity has aqueous humor

  • Larger posterior cavity between lens and retina has vitreous humor.

Posterior Cavity

  • Vitreous humor in posterior cavity is semifluid, jellylike substance.

  • Enables eye to retain its spherical shape.

  • Failure to drain will --> increased pressure inside of eye = glaucoma. Pushes lens backward into vitreous humor, which is, in turn, pushed into retina. Can cause damage and blindness if not treated.

Inner Tunic

  • Consists of retina.

  • Retina has 4 layers

  • Pigmented epithelium
  • Receptor cells (rods and cones)
  • Layer of bipolar neurons. Horizontal and amacrine neurons here too.
  • Layer of ganglion cells.

Category: Anatomy Notes , Ophthalmology Notes



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