Lung Cancer : Squamous Cell Carcinoma

on 9.5.08 with 0 comments

  • This accounts for about 45% of lung cancer cases.
  • It is strongly correlated to a smoking history. It usually arises in the larger bronchi, more proximally.
  • It is recognised by presence of individual cell keratinisation (keratin production causes cell death) and intercellular bridges.
  • This type of cancer is commonly associated with: Pancoast tumour (i.e.: apical lung tumours in the superior pulmonary sulcus that tend to invade the neural structures around the trachea, cervical sympathetic plexus), hypercalcaemia.
  • SCC is least likely to metastatize, at autopsy 50% of cases are confined to the thorax.
  • This type of cancer may respond well to surgery.

Category: Pathology Notes



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