CNS Pharmacology MCQ 1 with Answer

on 22.5.08 with 0 comments

  1. is a CNS depressant
  2. causes cerebral vasodilation
  3. reduces the acidity of gastric fluid secretion
  4. reduces plasma glucose level
  5. is a potent diuretic
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The Correct option is E

  • Caffeine is a plant alkaloid, found in many plant species, where it acts as a natural pesticide.
  • Caffeine increases alertness and attention spans.
  • Quitting caffeine consumption causes withdrawal symptoms.
  • Low Doses: 50-250mg/Caffeine (Oral Doses) Increase mental alertness, decrease drowsiness Lessen fatigue
  • Larger Doses: 250-600mg/Caffeine Irritability, restlessness, tremor, insomnia, headache, palpitations and hyperesthesia GIT upset
  • Large Doses: > 1000 mg Overt excitement, delirium and clonic seizures
  • Cardiovascular System: Increase rate and force of the heart by directly stimulating myocardium (low doses) ,Tachycardia and arrhythmias at higher doses.
  • Peripheral vasodilation
  • Kidney: All xanthines are capable of producing some degree of diuresis in humans (Theophylline > Caffeine)

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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