Parasites that cause disease more commonly outside U.S.

on 25.1.08 with 0 comments

  • Trypanosoma brucei - Africa - sleeping sickness, Winterbottom’s sign
  • Trypanosoma cruzi - S. America - reduviid bug, Chaga’s disease, arrhythmias, CHF
  • Leishmania tropica (Asia) and mexicana (C. and S. America) - sandfly, cutaneous ulcers

1. L. braziliensis (C. and S. America) - also mucocutaneous involvement

2. L. donovani (Asia and S. America) - visceral involvement

  • Plasmodium malariae (least common), falciparum (most common, most deadly), vivax and ovale (both have latent liver phase) - Anopheles mosquito
  • Chlonorchis sinensis - SE Asia - cholangiocarcinoma
  • Paragonimus westermani - SE Asia - causes hemoptysis, CNS involvement in 1%
  • Schistosomas - all cause liver granulomata, cirrhosis

1. S. haemotobium - Africa - adults in bladder-squamous cell carcinoma, no Katayama fever

2. S. japonicum - SE Asia - adults in superior mesenteric vein, Katayama fever

3. S. mansoni - all but developed world - adults in inferior mesenteric vein, Katayama fever

  • Onchocerca volvulus - Africa and S. America - black fly, river blindness
  • Wucheria bancrofti/Brujia malayi - Aedes/Culex mosquitos, elephantiasis

*Note: All other parasites seen worldwide, but can easily be avoided

Category: Microbiology Notes



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