
on 22.1.08 with 0 comments

  • Activates ß adrenergic receptors (both ß1 - and ß2 -receptor subtypes)

  • Has limited action at a adrenergic receptors

  • i.v. influsion of isoproterenol results in a slight decrease in mean blood pressure with a marked drop in diastolic pressure.

  • ß2 - adrenergic receptor-mediated reduction in peripheral resistance (reflected in the diastolic pressure effects) is primarily due to vasodilation of skeletal muscle vasculature. Renal and mesenteric vascular beds are also dilated.

  • Activation of cardiac ß1 - adrenergic receptors: increased contractility and heart rate.

  • Activation of ß2 - adrenergic receptors: Bronchial and GI smooth muscle relaxation.

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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