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Gene | Disease | Comments… |
beta-globin | Sickle cell & thalassemia | |
5p- | Cri du chat | Catlike cry, microcephaly. |
Adenosine deaminase | SCIDs | PCR detectable, bubble boy. |
bcl-2 t14:18 | Follicular lymphoma | Inactivates apoptosis. |
bcr-abl t9:22 | CML; ALL | Philadelphia chromosome. Translocation abnml gene. |
Blood group A | Stomach CA | Association. |
Blood group O | Peptic ulcer disease | Association. |
chromosome 1 - N myc | Neuroblastoma | |
chromosome 11 | Wilm's tumor | WAGR complex, hemihypertrophy. |
chromosome 13 | Wilson's disease: Hepatolenticular | Corneal Kayser-Fleischer rings, copper metabolism. |
chromosome 13 - Rb | Retinoblastoma. Osteosarcoma. | Two-hit. Normally a suppresor gene, gets inactivated |
chromosome 13 - trisomy | Patau's | |
chromosome 15 | Angelman's; maternal. | Microdeletion. Mental retardation. Bursts of laughter. |
chromosome 15 | Prader-Willi; paternal. | Microdeletion. Mental retardation. |
chromosome 16 - APKD-1 | Adult Polcystic Kidney Disease | |
chromosome 17 | Pancreatic CA | Home of p53. |
chromosome 17 - BRCA-1 | Breast CA. Ovarian CA. | Home of p53, and BRCA-1. |
chromosome 17 - NF 1 | Acustic neuroma | Normally a suppresor gene. Gets inactivated. |
chromosome 17 - p53 | 25-50% lung, colon, breast… | Normally a suppresor gene. Gets inactivated. |
chromosome 18 - trisomy | Edward's | Rocker bottom feet, micrognathia. |
chromosome 21 | Alzheimer's | -amyloid |
chromosome 21 - trisomy | Down's | Simian crease, brushfield's spots. |
chromosome 22 - NF 2 | Meningioma | Normally a suppresor gene. Gets inactivated. |
chromosome 3 - VHL | von Hippel-Lindau | Renal cell CA, adenomas, cysts… |
chromosome 4 | Huntington's | Choreiform mvmnts, caudate. Triple repeats. |
chromosome 5 - APC | Familial Polyposis Coli; Gardener's | 100% CA. Suppressor gene gets inactivated. |
chromosome 6 | Hemochromatosis | Bronze diabetes |
chromosome 6 | HLA genes | |
chromosome 7 - CFTR | Cystic fibrosis | Sweat test, lungs, pancreas. Inability to fold protein. |
c-myc onc t8:14 | Burkitt's lymphoma | Increases transcription. EBV. |
erb-B2/neu | Breast CA, SCC of lung | Increases growth factor receptors; gene amplification. |
FMR 1 | Fragile X syndrome | CGG repeat |
HER-2/neu | Breast CA | |
HLA-A3 | Hemochromatosis | Bronze diabetes. |
HLA-A3, B7, DR2, DW2 | Multiple sclerosis | Geographic distribution. |
HLA-B27 | Ankylosing spondylitis | |
HLA-B8 | Myasthenia gravis | |
HLA-B8, Dr3 | Sclerosing cholangitis; Celiac disease | Associated w UC. |
HLA-B8, DW3 | Celiac disease | Gluten Ab. |
HLA-DR2 | Ulcerative colitis | Rectum and left colon. |
HLA-DR3 | Graves' | Hyperthyroidism. |
HLA-DR3,4 | IDDM | |
HLA-DR4 | Rheumatoid arthritis | |
HLA-DR5,B5 | Hashimoto's thyroiditis | Hypothyroidism. |
LDL -R | Familial hypercholesterolemia | |
piZZ | Panacinar emphysema | alpha 1-antitrypsin. |
raf onc | | Cytoplasmic protein kinases. |
ras onc | 30% of all CA. Colon CA. | Point mutation. Produces GTPs. p21 proteins. |
sis onc | Carcinomas; astrocytoma | Produces its own growth factor. |
src onc | | Produces membrane tyrosine kinases. |
XO | Turner's | Amenorrhea, webbed neck. |
XXY | Klinefelter's | Atrophic testes, tall, female fat distribution. |
XYY | | Criminals, tall, acne. |
Autosomal Dominant | |
von Willebrand's | 125 |
familial hypercholesterolemia | 500 |
Adult polycystic kidney disease | 1250 |
IHSS | 1500 |
Huntington's | 2500 |
Neurofibromatosis | 3000 |
Congenital spherocytosis | 5000 |
familial Polyposis | 8000 |
intermittent Porphyria | 10000 |
Marfan's | 20000 |
von Recklinghausen's | |
von Hippel-Lindau | |
Autosomal Recessive | |
alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency | |
Thalassemia | |
Glycogen storage disease | |
Alcaptomuria | |
Homocystinuria | |
Hemochromatosis | 400 |
Sickle cell anemia | 625 |
Cystic fibrosis | 2500 |
Tay-Sachs | 3600 |
Phenylketonuria | 10000 |
21-hydroxylase | 14000 |
Albinism | 18000 |
Mucopolysaccharidase | 25000 |
Galactosemia | 57000 |
Category: Medicine Notes
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