Enterobius vermicularis

on 25.1.08 with 0 comments

Causative organism : nematode

Disease, disease manifestations:

  • Minute intestinal ulcerations
  • Severe pruritus ani, leading to haemorrhage and eczema
  • Can produce appendicitis
Life-cycle: stages, forms, diseases caused, intervention points:

  • Spindle-shaped worms, males (5mm) and females (13mm)
  • Inhabit caecum, appendix, adjoining gut, heads attached to mucosa
  • Gravid females detach, migrate out to perianal skin (at night)
  • Eggs deposited around anus (up to 11,000);
  • female dies Eggs contain larvae, mature in 6 hrs 
  • infective Reach mouth, larvae released into bowel, moulting en route,
  • cycle complete in <>
Transmission and shedding:

  • Anus to mouth directly
  • Exposure to viable eggs on room furniture, door handles, etc.
  • Air-borne from bed linen being aired etc.
Hosts, reservoirs in life-cycle; vectors:

  • Furniture, bed linen, ass to mouth via hand vectors
  • Only human host
Main drugs in treatment:
  • Combantrin, mebendazole, albendazole
Main drugs used in prophylaxis (preventative Rx):
  • Mainly personal hygiene
Other information:

  • Cosmopolitan, more common n temperate regions
  • Common in school chlidren

Category: Microbiology Notes



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