Entamoeba histolytica

on 25.1.08 with 0 comments

Disease, Disease manifestations
  • Can be asymptomatic
  • Abd pain, cramping, colitis, diarrhoea (frequent bloody stools)
  • Dysentery (can be fatal)
  • Amoebic abscesses in lung, liver, etc)
Life-cycle: stages, forms, diseases caused, intervention points
  • Resistant cysts (survive outside body)
  • Trophozoites (feeding forms) in large intestine, caecum.
  • Feed on mucosal surface, cause extensive ulcers via cytotoxin.
Transmission and shedding
  • Infection via ingestion of cysts, release trophozoite in duodenum.
  • Can become invasive, via blood or direct spread to other organs.
  • Cysts shed into faeces, infective
Hosts, reservoirs in life-cycle; vectors
  • Infected patients pass trophozoites (non-infective) and cysts in stools
  • Asymptomatic patients can be carriers
  • Vectors: water, food contamination from infected ppl.
  • Flies, cockroaches, anal sex
Main drugs in treatment
  • Metronidazole or tinidazole.
  • Liver abscess can be aspirated, drugs injected directly.
Main drugs used in prophylaxis (preventative Rx)
  • Good hygiene, safe water and food.
Other information
  • 1 of 2 major causes of dysentery.
  • Major cause morbidity in poor hygiene/inadequate water areas.

Category: Microbiology Notes



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