Digestive Processes Occurring in the Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus

on 5.1.08 with 0 comments

  1. Composition of Saliva & Control of Salivation
    1. major components of saliva:
      • water (97-99.5%)
      • electrolytes: Na+, K+, Cl-, PO4-
      • mucin - protein that forms thick, slimy mucus
      • IgA antibodies - immune defense
      • lysozyme - antibacterial enzyme
      • salivary amylase - starts breakdown of carbo's
    2. control of salivation:
      • ingestion of foodstuffs -----> activate chemoreceptors and pressoreceptors -----> salivatory nuclei (pons & medulla) ----->
      • PARASYMPATHETIC nerve activation -----> Facial (VII) and Glassopharyngeal (IX) nerves -----> secretion by salivary glands
      • SYMPATHETIC nerve activation -> decreased salivation
  2. Mechanical Processes
    1. mastication (chewing) - cheeks, tongue, and teeth involved in both voluntary and involuntary grinding, ripping, and tearing of foodstuffs
    2. deglutition (swallowing) - moving "bolus" on its way
      • tongue compacts ground food into a "bolus"
      • buccal phase (voluntary): tongue against hard palate -----> tongue contraction -----> bolus forced into oropharynx
      • pharyngeal-esophageal phase (involuntary):
        • tongue blocks off mouth
        • soft palate blocks off nasopharyx
        • epiglottis blocks off trachea ------> peristaltic waves moves food to stomach

Category: Physiology Notes



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