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Examination for sex is important in:
- Civil law e.g. marriage and inheritance of a case of inter sex.
- Criminal law, in exchange of babies in hospitals, sexual perversions, in criminals who conceal their sex.
Inter sex states:
These are conditions in which male and female characters (e.g. gonads, physical form and sexual behavior) coexist in varying proportions in the same individual. These are:
Gonad agenesis: here testes and ovaries have never developed (nuclear sexing is negative).
Gonad dysgenesis: The testes or ovaries are present but at puberty they fail to develop e.g.: in Klinefilter syndrome where sex chromosome pattern is XXY (47 chromosomes) and in Turner syndrome where chromosomal pattern is XO (45 chromosomes).
Hermaphrodite: which is either:
True hermaphrodite: the same individual possesses both non functional testicles and ovaries.
False (pseudo) hermaphrodite: There is lack of clear cut differentiation of the external genitalia while the internal genitalia are isosexual. It is either:
* Male (masculine or testicular) hermaphrodite:
The person has testicles that are present in abdominal cavity.
The general features are mixed of both feminine and masculine characters.
The external genital organs resemble those of the female but not well developed e.g. cul-de sac vagina without uterus.
*Female (feminine or ovarian) hermaphrodite:
The gonad is the ovary.
The external configuration and external genital organs resemble those of a male.
In examination for sex (in dead and living), the following steps are followed:
Clinical examination:
Clothes cannot be relied upon as any person can wear any type of clothes of the other sex. This entails:
1. Presumptive data.
- General features where males are usually more heavily built and larger body dimensions than females.
- Deposition of fat especially in gluteal area is more in females than males.
- Hair distribution where in males there is beard & moustache. Pubic hair in male extends up to the umbilicus while in female it is straight.
- Males have prominent large larynx than females, also, their voice is harsher than females.
2. Highly presumptive data:
- Presence of vagina, uterus, prostate, seminal vesicles and penis. This is due to the presence of certain operations to change sex with reconstruction; here sex chromatin test defines the origin of the person
3. Certain data:
- Presence of the ovaries in females and testicles in males.
N.B: In mutilated bodies, non pregnant uterus and prostate resist putrefaction longer than abdominal organs
Category: Forensic Medicine Notes
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