Coxa Vara - Etiology

on 24.1.08 with 0 comments


  • rare- 1/ 25000 live births, M=F, R=L, Bilat in 30%
  • an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern has been described
  • may be more common in negroes


  • Histological abnormalities have been found in Bx of the femoral necks- Increase in width of the growth plate
  • absenceof normal orderly progression of cartilage columns (similar to appearance of Blounts Dx)
  • current theory - deformity due to a primary ossification defect in the inferior femoral neck. Physiologic shearing stresses in weight bearing fatigue the abnormal bone Resulting in progressive deformity


  • Most present with a progressive gait deformity bw walking age and ~ 6 yo pain is rare
  • unilateral dx- present with gait 2o to abductor weakness and a LLD
  • bilateral dx - present with waddling gait similar to that of DDH

  • Examination
    • prominent and elevated greater trochanter
    • +ve TrendelenbergLLD - usually mild, av 2.5 cm
    • FFD with ­ ROM - esp abduction and IR

  • XRay ­ neck- shaft angle
    • more vertical position of the physeal plate- defined by the angle bw Hilgenreiners line and the line through the epiphyseal plate- normally 25o or less
    • Fairbanks triangle - a triangular metaphyseal fragment in the inferior femoral neck surrounded by an inverted radiolucent Y ( represents a zone of abnormal osification with an interposed triangular segment of dystrophic bone)
    • ­ in normal anteversion of the prox femur ( may become retroverted) coxa breva
    • rarely mild acetebular dysplasia

Category: Orthopedics Notes



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