on 25.6.07 with 0 comments

Three Hiatuses of the Diaphragm:

  • Caval Hiatus: Passage for Vena Cava, T8. The highest, most central hiatus, in the central tendon.
  • Esophageal Hiatus: T10.
  • Aortic Hiatus: The Descending Aorta passes through the diaphragm most posteriorly and inferiorly. T12.

Diaphragmatic Crura: Left and Right Crus of the diaphragm, on posterior wall.

  • Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves go through the left and right crura of the diaphragm, to enter the abdomen.

Lumbocostal Arches (Arcuate Ligaments): The ligaments connecting the diaphragm to the posterior wall. They are condensations of transversalis fascia.

  • Median Arcuate Ligament: Passes anterior to the Aorta as it goes through the diaphragm. It creates the Aortic hiatus.
    • CLINICAL: At times it can compress the Celiac trunk, below the diaphragm. In this event blood can still circulate via the Pancreaticoduodenal arcade.
  • Medial Arcuate Ligament: Overlies the psoas muscle, lateral to the median arcuate ligament.
    • It may also be called the psoas fascia.
    • RELATION: The sympathetic trunks enter the abdomen immediately posterior to the medial arcuate ligaments.
  • Lateral Arcuate Ligament: Ligament around the Quadratus Lumborum muscle. Extends from the transverse fascia of L1 to the 12th rib.

Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall:

Psoas Major Muscle: Chief flexor of the thigh and trunk

  • Passes all along vertebral column starting at T12.
  • Passes deep to the inguinal ligament and attaches to the lesser trochanter of the femur.
  • Innervated by L2-L4.
  • Contraction: Pulls the body toward the leg, or the thigh toward the body.

Iliacus Muscle: Aids the psoas major in flexing the thigh and trunk

  • Attaches to the iliac fossa (anterior surface of the iliac bone).
  • Inserts into psoas tendon, and hence the two muscles together are often called the iliopsoas muscle.

Quadratus Lumborum: Stabilizes the 12th (floating) rib during inspiration.

  • Inserts on the 12th rib.

Thoracolumbar Fascia: Actually an extension of the aponeuroses of the transversus abdominis and external abdominal oblique muscles.

  • It divides into an anterior plane and posterior plane. It thus serves to compartmentalize the muscles, which lies in between the two planes.
    • Anterior plane attaches to the transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae.
    • Posterior plane attaches to joins with the other muscles in the back.

Nerves of the Posterior Wall:

  • Things common to all the nerves: CLINICAL
    • They are all related to the psoas muscle. Psoas pathology will irritate those nerves. A patient that relieves pain upon relaxation of the psoas muscle may have retroperitoneal pathology.
    • All of the nerves pass from the posterior to wall laterally to the anterior wall.
  • Subcostal and lumbar plexus pass through the transversalis fascia and then go in-between the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles.
  • Subcostal Nerve: T12
    • Associated with the 12th (floating) rib.
    • This nerve is immediately posterior to the kidney and overlies quadratus lumborum muscle.
    • It is the only nerve of the lower posterior wall not associated with the lumbar plexus.
  • Lumbar Plexus: L1-L3, and the upper half of L4.
    • These are spinal nerves, so they have somatic and autonomic branches.
    • Somatic Components: Supply iliopsoas and quadratus lumborum muscles.
    • Autonomic Components: The lumbar splanchnic nerves.
    • Location: The plexus itself is located deep within the psoas muscle.
    • Distribution: Lower abdominal wall, genitalia, upper portion of the lower limb
    • Nerves of the lumbar plexus:
      • Iliohypogastric Nerve: T12-L1.
        • Runs superomedial to the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine.
        • CLINICAL: Passes over McBurney's Point -- the point of surgical entry for an appendectomy (about 1/4 of the way between the ASIS and umbilicus). It can thus be damaged from an appendectomy.
        • In the suprapubic region, it divides into two portions: Iliac Branch and Hypogastric Branch.
        • Distribution: Iliac branch gets sensory info from hip. Hypogastric branch innervates the suprapubic region.
        • Passes posterior to kidney and overlies quadratus lumborum muscle.
        • Sometimes it will be joined with the ilioinguinal nerve from their origin at L1, and sometimes it won't.
      • Ilioinguinal Nerve: L1
        • Same location as the iliohypogastric. It passes through the inguinal canal and emerges out of the inguinal ring.
        • Distribution: Innervates the anterior scrotum / labia majora, and the upper and medial thigh.
        • CLINICAL: If you want to anesthetize the pubic area, this is one of the nerves you have to block. Anesthesia would probably be placed in the inguinal canal.
        • It maybe joined with genitofemoral nerve.
        • Passes posterior to kidney and overlies quadratus lumborum muscle.
      • Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerves: L2-L3
        • Associated with the lateral aspect of the psoas muscle.
        • Considered to be a part of the posterior division of the plexus. Has nothing to do with the abdominal cavity.
        • Innervates the posterior and lateral thigh.
      • Femoral Nerve: L2-L4
        • By far the largest branch of the lumbar plexus.
        • Location: Located in the cleft between the psoas and iliacus muscles.
        • Runs posterior to inguinal ligament and carries fascia with it -- the femoral sheath.
        • Distribution: Motor innervation of psoas and iliacus; innervation of the thigh and lower extremities.
      • Genitofemoral Nerve: L1-L2
        • Location: Anterior surface of the psoas muscle. Very fine string, "ribbon."
        • Distribution: Branches into the genital and femoral branches.
            • Genital branch goes through inguinal nerve to inguinal canal. It innervates the cremaster muscle.
            • Femoral Branch: Innervates skin in upper portion of the thigh.
        • CLINICAL: Cremaster Reflex: Gently touch the medial portion of the thigh, and see if the scrotum pulls the testes up. This is a simple way of testing the functionality of the lumbar plexus.

§ Obturator Nerve: L2(?), L3-L4

        • Deep, medial border of the psoas muscle. Very tight chord that passes along the lateral part of the pelvic wall.
      • Lumbosacral Trunk: L4-L5
        • Deep and medial to psoas and obturator nerve.
        • Distribution = sensory, to the gluteal region, thigh, leg.
        • Not part of the lumbar plexus.

Category: Anatomy Notes



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