
on 27.1.07 with 0 comments

  • Overview:
    • Very similar to quinidine gluconate (Quinaglute, Quinalan)
    • Greater antimuscarinic effects (in management of atrial flutter & fibrillation, pre-treatment with a drug that reduces AV conduction velocity is required)
    • Approved use (USA): ventricular arrhythmias
  • Metabolism:
    • Dealkylated metabolite (hepatic); less anticholinergic, less antiarrhythmic effect compared apparent compound
    • 50% -- excreted unchanged, renal
  • Electrophysiological effects similar to quinidine gluconate (Quinaglute, Quinalan)
    • Similar to quinidine gluconate (Quinaglute, Quinalan) in effective ventricular and atrial tachyarrhythmia suppression
    • prescribed to maintain normal sinus rhythm in patients prone to atrial fibrillation and flutter and is also used to prevent ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia.
  • Side Effects/Toxicity
    • Adverse side-effect profile: different from qunidine's in that disopyramide (Norpace) is not an alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker but is anti-vagal.
    • Most common side effects: (anticholinergic)
      • dry mouth
      • urinary hesitancy
    • Other side effects: blurred vision, nausea
    • Cardiovascular:
      • QT interval prolongation (ECG)
      • paradoxical ventricular tachycardia (quinidine-like)
    • Negative inotropism (significant myocardial depressive effects)--undesirable with preexisting left ventricular dysfunction (may promote congestive heart failure, even in patients with no prior evidence of myocardial dysfunction)
      • Disopyramide is not a first-line antiarrhythmic agent because of its negative inotropic effects
      • If used, great caution must be exercised in patients with congestive heart failure
    • Can cause torsades de pointes, a ventricular arrhythmia
Hondeghem, L.M. and Roden, D.M., "Agents Used in Cardiac Arrhythmias", in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Katzung, B.G., editor, Appleton & Lange, 1998, pp 216-241;Stoelting, R.K., "Cardiac Antidysrhythmic Drugs", in Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1999, 331-343

Category: Pharmacology Notes



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