on 2.12.06 with 0 comments

TRIGEMINAL GANGLION: It contains the sensory cell bodies for the Trigeminal Nerve. It contains no synapses.
  • The Motor cell bodies are in the Masticator Nucleus within the pons.

V1 -- OPHTHALMIC NERVE -- Purely Sensory Nerve.

  • It runs through the lateral wall of the Cavernous Sinus.
  • It exits through Superior Orbital Fissure to enter the orbit.
  • Associated Ganglion: CILIARY GANGLION. It carries parasympathetic motor fibers from the Oculomotor Nerve (CN III), which go on to innervate extrinsic eye muscles.

V2 -- MAXILLARY NERVE -- Purely Sensory Nerve.

  • It runs through the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus.
  • It exits through Foramen Rotundum, in the Greater Wing of the Sphenoid.
  • Associated Ganglion: PTERYGOPALATINE GANGLION. It carries parasympathetic motor fibers from the Facial Nerve (CN VII), which goes on to innervate muscles of facial expression.

V3 -- MANDIBULAR NERVE-- Mixed nerve. The only branch of the Trigeminal to carry any motor innervation.

  • It exits through Foramen Ovale, in the Greater Wing of the Sphenoid.
  • Associated Ganglia:

    • OTIC GANGLION: Carries parasympathetic motor fibers from the Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX), which go on to innervate the Parotid Salivary Gland.
      • It is located in the Infratemporal Fossa
    • SUBMANDIBULAR GANGLION: Carries parasympathetic motor fibers from the Facial Nerve (CN VII), which go onto innervate the Submandibular and Sublingual glands.
  • Motor Innervation: Muscles of mastication; Anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid; Tensor tympani and tensor veli palati.
  • Sensory Innervation: It sends up a meningeal branch to innervate part of the meninges.

TIC DOULOUREUX: A severe split second pain in the cutaneous region of the Trigeminal nerve.

  • A pain runs through Mandibular and Maxillary divisions, i.e. region around mouth.

MENINGEAL BRANCHES: All branches of Trigeminal send some meningeal branches to the meninges of the brain. If something is irritating the meninges, the pain information will be sent back through the Trigeminal.

  • In all cases, meningeal branch will be given off before each branch exits its respective foramen.

Category: Anatomy Notes



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